Our IGH Reflex Panel is designed to detect major IGH fusions found in multiple myeloma (MM). Following detection of an IGH translocation, these probes are ideal for testing for the presence of 4 common IGH fusion partners specific to MM.

The cryptic IGH/MAF fusion subjects MAF to IGH’s powerful enhancer, resulting in MAF upregulation in plasma cells. The abnormality occurs in 5% of MM and 1-5% of MGUS patients.

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CCND1 is found fused to IGH in 15-20% of MM patients, representing the most frequent rearrangement in the disease. The fusion is usually balanced, and occurs alongside monosomy 13 in about 25% of cases.

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IGH/FGFR3 fusion occurs in 15–20% of MM patients. The percentage of plasma cells harboring IGH/FGFR3 increases significantly with disease progression, evidence that the alteration drives MM development.

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IGH/MAFB fusion occurs in about 1% of newly diagnosed MM patients. The fusion upregulates MAFB expression, which promotes transformation of fibroblasts and enhances tumor cell proliferation.

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